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Safe Online

This page offers advice when children are using electronic devises both in and outside of school. At Lodge Farm Primary School, we take e-safety very seriously.

Image consent

Lodge Farm Primary School uses images of children, both on our website and in press releases. However, parents/carers are given the option at intake to refuse use of their child's image. Parents/carers can change their preferences at anytime, by requesting a consent form from the office. 

E-Safety in school

Children should be encouraged to use the Internet, but at all times safely. We try our best in school to ensure children are never left unattended whilst online. If any adult or child suspects misuse, either by a teacher or child, the issue must be reported to the head teacher without delay. Our Network Administrator has overall responsibility for Internet safety. 

E-Safety out of school

Below you will find some useful links which will help to keep you well-informed and hopefully better able to keep your children safe.

Cyber Aware

NSPCC Online Safety

Think U Know

Child Net

Digital Parenting